Returns Policy

What can I return?

You may request returns for most items you buy from Sangameshwar Coffee Estates Limited that are within the return window, except those that are explicitly identified as not returnable on the product detail page of and/or Sangameshwar Coffee Estates Limited Returns policy.

Items are returnable if you’ve received them in a condition that is physically damaged, have missing parts or accessories, are defective, or are different from their description on the product detail page on (Colour of the product may vary from the actual image)

In case of any defective or damaged goods received, the customer has to raise their complaint with image proof on within 2 days of delivery.


What are the return guidelines?

Following are the return guidelines:

  1. Buyers must make self-return arrangements.
  2. Once the return is received, you will, in accordance with Sangameshwar Coffee Estates Limited Returns policy, be issued a replacement for your original product.


Returns Policy

  1. Products are returnable within the applicable return window if you’ve received them in a condition that is physically damaged, has missing parts or accessories, is defective, or is different from their description on the product detail page on (Colour of the product may vary from the actual image)
  2. Return will be processed only if:
    • it is determined that the product was not damaged while in your possession;
    • the product is not different from what was shipped to you;
    • the product is returned in original condition (unpacked, unused, with brand’s/manufacturer’s box, MRP tag intact).
  3. Products may not be eligible for return in some cases, including cases of buyer’s remorse such as incorrect choice of the product ordered or incorrect product ordered.
  4. Products marked as “non-returnable” on the product detail page cannot be returned.
  5. Additional information is not required to return an eligible order unless otherwise noted in the category-specific policy.
  6. Products may be eligible for replacement only if has the exact same item in stock.
  7. If the replacement request is placed and the does not have the exact same product in stock, we will provide a refund.


Note: If you’ve received a returnable product in a damaged/defective condition, you can contact us within 3 days from the delivery of the product.